Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Wedding Dresses...

How on earth do you decide on a wedding dress?

I tried on dozens today... and I LOVED every single one.

This was one of the best experiences of my life. The dresses were gorgeous and I felt like a movie star. I've narrowed down the search to 3, and they are nothing like I had imagined. I felt like a movie star, even though I'm pretty sure I have the flu.

I wish I could wear a wedding dress everyday.


  1. Go with it. National wear a wedding dress to work day. You know 96% of women will be right there with you.
    Did you get any pictures? I love wedding things!

  2. Oh, and the most useful advice I have for picking a dress;
    1. You want to remember your wedding, not how your dress kept riding up / falling down / digging in, so go for something practical. I had to get my bridesmaids to get me out of my corset 4 hours in. It wasn't great.
    2. Timeless and elegant is good, but it is nice to look back and recognise the era. Fashionable can be ok!
    3. It's your day, and the photos will always be your reminder. Don't let anyone talk you out of your dream dress, or you'll think about it every time you see the photos.

  3. I like your pointers! The dress I really like is a little old hollywood glamour meets today, and is quite comfortable. The one my mom likes is the same kind of look but about 10 lbs heavier!


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