Saturday, February 5, 2011

Goodness is in the air!

The funeral was as good as a funeral could be, the eulogy was lovely (preformed by my aunt, who I was named after). I broke down a bit at the end and was feeling really quite low yesterday evening, but today it is sunny, relatively warm for winter in Canada, and I woke up to a lovely email with a link to this really lovely write up about Ohhh Lulu. I was so happy to see that other people are recognizing what I am trying to do with my lingerie, and appreciating it! It really set me off on the right foot. I also found this great write up in the Washingtonian. I am so excited!

I am at work today, but I only have 7 hours left to go and am really feeling positive about things now. This is the first time in a while I don't really have too much to stress about, and in doing all of the remembering of my Grandmother, I feel very inspired - inspired to be a better person, more positive, in dependant, a business owner, just like my Gram. Thinking back, I think almost all of my Grandma's business ventures were pretty independently run - I guess if you can't find work, you've got to make your own!

I've been spending a lot of time worrying over the elusive question: "what am I going to do with my life?" I am 27, and have recently left a good job in the biggest city in Canada (see bio) for a much more simple life, but I am having a hard time separating what I do from who I am and dealing the pressure to have a "real" job." I recently started reading Possum Living (which I highly recommend) which has really been inspiring me to cut out the conventional and go-it alone.


  1. The Ohhh Lulu write-ups are wonderful won't be long now before your business takes off ;o) I turn 28 in less than a week and I too often find myself wondering what I'm doing with my life, so you're no alone in that! I'm sure everything will work out eventually though...when we're successfully going it alone ;o)

  2. You will come to it. I am 30, and I think some of us go through a difficult time because we are motivated and intelligent, and we spend so much of our early lives meeting these built in goals- graduating grade school and high school, graduating college, getting married [:)]. Then you get to a point where they are not built in anymore, and you have to make choices. I have really struggled with staying at home with the baby- I worked my butt off in school and didn't expect to stay home, but it's what I want to do. Tough choices..but it all works out, and your work is so pretty! Very sorry about your grandma.


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