Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Heartsy Day two

So... I'd like to talk about my experience so far with Heartsy.

I was really, really nervous about doing this. I am torn about these discount programs, because I believe when people make something with their hands it is an art, with unseen value. I was worried about de-valuing what I do, the time it takes, and the care I put into each ruffle and frill. However, I also believe that art should be accessible, and the cost of art has a lot to do with its accessibility. I want everyone to be able to own something that makes them feel feminine and beautiful and utterly romantic.

I really love Ohhh Lulu. It is my dream come true to have any sort of success running my own business, no matter how small. I thought Heartsy might be a good way to share it with a few more people.

The result?

I had just over 2,150 visitors yesterday, which is about what I would get after a front page feature. However, I sold 24 items! When I'm on the front page, I'm lucky to sell 1. I could hardly relist items fast enough for customers to buy.

I am getting so many emails and messages from people thanking me for running the promotion, and that they had been eyeing up my shop for a while. It felt really good, almost like I had done a good deed!

The people at Heartsy have been absolutely amazing. They have live chat on their website, their staff are friendly, I even got a phone call from one of the staff while I was running the promotion to see if I had any questions. That is excellent customer service.

This far into the game, I am seeing my Heartsy deal as a huge, gigantic, wonderful success.

Now... if anyone needs me, I will be at my sewing machine!


  1. How exciting! I remember checking in at your shop yesterday (I like to do so now and again to see what lovely things you've made) and then minutes later you'd sold 12 items!!! I don't get what a Hertsy Deal is, but it certainly sounds like it's worked out well for you. Happy sewing ;o)

  2. Wow, congratulations!! Glad it's working for you :)
    Ashley x

  3. :D I'm so happy for you! That kind of exposure is fantastic, your pieces deserve it.

  4. Thanks ladies! I am so excited, this is like a dream come true for me to have so many customers. I actually have a stack, a whole stack of invoices to finish! So exciting!!!


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