Tuesday, May 3, 2011

New Beginnings

This has been a busy week so far! Here's the recap (and it's only Tuesday!):

I started my new job on Monday, doing social media coordinating for a company that makes organic, vegan sexual health products. I've spent my last two days facebooking, and twittering, and contemplating tumblr. I'm excited and nervous about this new endeavour, but so grateful for the opportunity! Who wouldn't want to read and write about sex, love, and relationships all day?

On the Ohhh Lulu front, I am finishing up orders and dreaming up something special for Justine, my Give Away winner! I have a ton of orders on the go and a bunch waiting to be started. While it's kind of stressful balancing a new day job with a growing business, wedding planning, and an extremely needy monster pug, I'm not sure I'd have it any other way!

Yesterday was the federal election here in Canada, and I am happy to announce that my favourite of all politicians, Jack Layton of the NDP party has made incredible headway and has now formed the Opposition party. Unfortunately, we still have a conservative government, but I am still a very happy, proud Canadian today. I'm hoping all my Canadian readers went out to preform their civic duty and voted... even if you didn't vote NDP!

Yesterday was also my Grandmothers burial. I felt awkward going... feeling like I had already done my mourning months ago... but the service was short, and sweet, and it was nice to have a final goodbye with my family. The minister ended the short, graveside service wondering "what Loreen must be up to now..." It put a smile on my face and made me excited for all of the new beginnings.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you on the job front! I am glad things are on the upswing :)


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