Sunday, April 1, 2012

Ohh La La Pin Up Sew Along Pt 2... Sewing adjustable straps

I wanted to add straps that are adjustable, but not too utilitarian looking, so I have cut a strip of bias tape approximately 1 1/2" wide, as well as two lengths of strap elastic.  I also have 2 plastic o-rings and 2 plastic sliders.

I sewed my bias tape into a long tube (1/4" seam allowance), turned it right side out, and pressed it flat. I then cut it into to strips about 11" long.

I looped my bias straps around my o-rings, and did the same with my strap elastic and sliders (looping around the middle bar). I tacked them down with a narrow zig-zag stitch.

Next, I fed my strap elastic through my o-ring, and back down, weaving it into my slider.

... making an adjustable strap! Don't have sliders? Do you have an old beat-up bra laying around? Why not harvest it for parts?  When I was first learning how to make lingerie, I tore apart all my old, unwearable bras,  and used the parts to practice.

I then tacked it into place onto my bra.... And That is it!

To complete the our ensemble, I am working ever-so-hard on a digital pattern of my NEW "Betty" High-Waist Panties... Stay tuned for more info! I am hoping to have it ready to go within the week.


  1. It came out beautifully! hanks for sharing the process- sewing lingerie is starting to seem a bit less scary :)

  2. That's supposed to say "thanks!"


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