Monday, June 11, 2012

My obsession with miniatures...

It's funny how life works.  I've been wanting to make a doll house, after obsessing over the amazing miniatures on Etsy.  My Uncle made this Doll House years and years ago for my cousin.  My cousin lives in the city and hasn't had room to store it, so it's been living at my parents house.  Well... it had an unfortunate accident last week... it fell off it's stand and is in rather rough shape.  The railing on the porch is smashed, the whole house has come off it's stand, the dormer roof has come apart, and some of the floor boards have started lifting.  Not knowing what to do with it, the doll house was going to make it's final trip...

I couldn't let the doll house go.  My uncle, who passed away just a few years ago made this piece by piece for my cousin.  I always loved the doll house whenever I would go to visit... all the little bits of furniture and nicknack's.  So, I have adopted the rather damaged doll house, and will be renovating it over the next few weeks... months... years.  My cousins are like my sisters, I couldn't let this get away! I know it means so much to all of us, and I am excited to start a real heirloom project.  Maybe one day I will have a little girl who will enjoy it as well....

This is the attic, which has the most adorable Alice in Wonderland wall paper and two little circular windows.
 The bathroom has an amazing checker board floor and still has some tissue on the toilet paper roll, though it's a little worse for wear after sitting in the basement for a few years...

The bedroom and the living room have bay windows and pretty flowered wall paper.  I have no idea how I want to "decorate" but I am so, so, SO excited to fix it up again!


  1. Wow, this is so magical to me! I've always loved miniature doll's houses and the tiny details. Your uncle was a talented man and I'm sure you'll do this up like it's brand new again. What a lovely project to take on, I hope you update us on it as I'd love to see more detail!!!

    1. Thanks Marie - he really was very talented (and very missed!). I'm excited & nervous to get started on it :)

  2. Holy cow, this is amazing! I can't wait to see this when you're finished!

  3. How awesome that you are going to save it! Sounds like a fun project. I always wanted a doll house...I unfortunately couldn't afford one for my daughter....maybe someday I will get a grand-daughter!

    1. They are very expensive - I looked at kits on Etsy and they were way out of my price range, so this was a great opportunity for me!:)

  4. You've got be kidding me. I LOVE IT! I have also been dreaming about making a doll house, since the one I made when I was seven was crap & had to be pitched. I actually went to a dollhouse miniatures show last fall and about died with all of the cuteness. I should email you the pictures of the tea set that could have fit entirely on your thumb, and the woman who made food so realistic that even the tiny bags of potato chips had ACTUAL CHIPS IN THEM. I saved their business cards if you want the information so you can get sucked into a wormhole of tiny cuteness. ;)

    1. WOW!!! Would love to see pictures!!! you can email me at sarah.e.norwood[at]gmail[dot]com if you have them handy :)

  5. I don't know why, but I've always had a
    strange fascination for dollhouses and
    miniature things too! This is just too
    adorable, and I hope you can fix it up. :D

  6. I've always loved dolls houses but for some reason I never had one as a kid. Thanks for showing us this! XxxX

  7. I have that house...its the same :o
    and the furniture too..
    I just need to add details though
    I was like :O when i saw this picture...


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