Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Two Months Later...

Ugh... I feel sick just thinking about it. How on earth did I ever get anything done? How did I keep track of anything? How did Dan not lose me behind that mountain of fabric and sewing pattern pieces?

 Well, I am happy to report, that two months after my clean & organize-fest, my sewing space looks a little something like this:

It has remained relatively neat, tidy, and usable.  It is so nice to finally have a real "place" for all of my stuff.  I have a home for my piles of satin, a box for all of my thread, a drawer for all of my foldover elastic... When I need something, I know right where to get it, and where to put it back when I'm done.  I had moved so much over the last 8 years of my life that I never bothered really setting up a system for my stuff.  Now that we are settled in the house, it is so nice to find a real place for all of my stuff!


  1. It's amazing the difference a clean, tidy workspace makes!! :)

  2. wow, huge difference! It's so refreshing to tidy up our work spaces.

  3. Huge difference, but will it be so clean and organised. ;-)
    I try to organise my workspace, but in no time it's a big mes again...


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