Monday, April 15, 2013

Afternoon break

We are finally having some nice weather.  Although there is still some snow in the forecast, I am happy to look out my window and see sunshine and buds on the trees.  It still doesn't really feel like winter has left us though. It's still chilly outside, and Dan and I are both sick with a nasty cold.  Dan has been home sick since Friday and hopefully will be back to work tomorrow.  Me? I'm working through it, but taking breaks now and then to sit and rest...

Spring is a nice time of year.  "Newness" is in the air! I am working on so much wedding lingerie right now, it's one of my favourite things to design.  I'm embarrassed to admit that I totally forgot to do anything about wedding lingerie for my own wedding (pathetic, huh?), so I feel like I get to live vicariously through the brides I get to work with :)

One thing I am not enjoying about Spring is income tax deadline... This year is particularly confusing for me because my business has taken off so much.  In Design School we didn't really touch on business basics very much... I am lucky that through my various jobs, I have picked up on how to use Quickbooks.  So, I finally invested in the program for myself and have been busily entering receipts and importing information.  Nerdy as it is, I actually kind of like that kind of work.  It's nice to have a break from the sewing machine...

As for today, I am busy cutting out my orders for the week.  I am particularly excited about an emerald green satin set I am working on.  I'll post pictures later in the week...


  1. I love the pink bows on this! How neat are they being so oversized and lady-like? Good luck on the taxes, GUH, it galls me to even think about how I lived through preparing mine, and it was strictly a to b!

  2. WOW! If I ever get married, I'm having you make me one of these! I love the bow closure in the back-so pretty!

  3. Love the colors! And the bows are so sweet, I love them!! :)

  4. I adore the bows on these! A really dreamy fairytale set :-) I empathise re the tax deadline - I've been waking up in a cold sweat as our gets ever closer!

  5. Wow, these are absolutely lovely! Your designs are all too perfect. :)


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