Happy Halloween... Tomorrow!
Saturday, October 30, 2010
I won I won I won!
Friday, October 29, 2010
The good news is... I actually won something!!!
This totally made my dreary, yucky day yesterday. I am totally excited to receive a pattern and some really awesome fabric in the mail.
Actually, things almost seem like they are going too well lately (don't want to jinx myself)! Etsy is going well, my sewing is going awesome, I am getting married to my high school crush... to counter all of this "amazing", my brain is treating me to horrendous nightmares! I'm sleep-deprived, but really I can't complain.
Woot's all around for Winning Giveaway's. Patty at the Snug Bug has totally won my heart. She really brightened my day!
Bra's all over the place...
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Now I wait for Dan to come home from work... then we are having dinner out! So excited to not have to cook!
Raindrops on Roses and Whiskers on Kittens...

I decided I would make it, since it looked pretty simple and I have a ton of silk dupioni waiting to be used. Here are the results:
It is just a basic blouse block with a slightly widened neck line. I took the darts out of the back and added 1" overlap for buttons up the back. Turned out pretty fun and versatile. I like to wrap the long ribbons around my waist and tie the bow in the back.
Busy Sunday...
Sunday, October 24, 2010
So, it has been a very busy Sunday. Whipped up two pairs of panties, visited the parental units, played with Oliver, cooked a pie from scratch, and Photoshopified some pictures. Now to relax with a glass of cider and my wonderful fiancee...
And now for sleep...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Gettin' 'er done...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
I wish I had gotten more done today than I ended up getting done... I returned a 4 year old modem to Rogers to close an account that had apparently gone to collections (eep!!!), which fixed that whole mess. I listed three items on Etsy, and finished the soft bra as shown below. I also printed a bunch of Ohhh Lulu labels, and finished a black and leopard print pair of panties (which I've decided I don't like as much as I had thought I would) based off of a 1960's pattern. Left on the "to do" list is a cape (for myself for winter), and some more photos of a couple of other things. I hope the Etsy thing goes well... I used to sell on Ebay when I was in college and actually did really well... I know I could use the extra money.
Yesterday Dan called around to find and officiant for our wedding. We are meeting with a "secular humanist officiant" on Halloween day. In my mind, I'm already sold! I think that we have all of the most major Wedding decisions made: wedding parties are chosen, venues are booked, and we soon will have someone to marry us. Now it'll just be fun stuff, like flowers and dresses!
To end the day, I think I must have somehow glutened myself and am feeling like I will soon be in extreme pain. Oh... why me?
I actually listed something.
Now I need to make banners and more... "stuff." I forgot how much work this is...
Wedding planning progressing...
Sunday, October 17, 2010

At first we thought we wanted to have lavender and peach, and a more rustic country theme... but then I found these really wonderful Alfred Sung dresses...

So, our wedding is quickly becoming less country and more classy. I'm okay with that. I had originally thought I would wear a tea length dress but instead found a gown with a long trail, lots of details, really 1930's Hollywood and it's' much more fancy than I had originally thought I wanted.
However, you only get to do it once so I want to do it the best I can!
I am getting more and more excited everyday. When we first got engaged I was really scared about the wedding and all of the planning. I had no idea what I wanted, I was not one of those girls who ever, I repeat ever dreamed about her wedding so I had a lot of thinking to do. Also, I had no idea what was expected. I really didn't even know where to start. Now, just over a month later I've got the date, venue, and so much planned already! I'm totally loving every minute of it and can't wait for our engagement party, to get our whole wedding party together (a lot of them will be meeting for the first time, including our parents!). It's really been wonderful, and Dan has been really helpful. I couldn't ask for more!
Today was a super nice day, beautiful weather... we kicked around the house for a while, and went out for coffees with one of the groomsmen. Last night Dan and I went out for dinner, then stayed in and watched the rest of Tom Jones, then My Fair Lady, and ended our evening with a romantic game of Scrabble. Now I am about to relax on the couch and finish my second knit sock! Pictures soon, I'm terribly proud, it's the first knitting project I have ever finished!
I love these guys...
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
I've been sick all weekend (Thanksgiving weekend!). I made this nightie a few days ago and I sure was happy to snuggle up in it, and a blanket yesterday after wedding dress shopping. I felt like I had been run over by several, large trucks.
I feel mostly better, but am still dealing with sniffles and hot and cold flashes...
I bought the fabric that I used for this nightie ridiculously cheap, in the clearance section of the local fabric store. I think it was $3 or $4 a meter. I bought a ton and have cut out a bunch of bralettes and panties out of it, to be trimmed with yellow lace (please excuse the pile of shoes in th
Anyway, instead of trimming this nightie with lace like suggested, I just used a band of self fabric to finish the edge. It is SO comfortable, the fabric is so soft, kind of heavy and drapey (really nice jersey). I want to wear nothing but this... and wedding dresses.
Tomorrow is back to work, sadly... though I must admit I'm looking forward to getting back to my knitting - I should be able to finish my last sock by the end of the day! I never heard back from the flower shop so a-job-hunting I will go again. I am still thinking about just applying to school and worrying about how to pay for it later...
But for now, I do have goodies to post on Etsy as soon as I get some "in action" photos. I just don't know quite how to do it. I was browsing some other sellers photos of panties and the like... and I was a little disappointed with the amount of scary thin, too young, too La Senza a lot of it was. So I will need to think about this some more.. But, for now I have these:
Wedding Dresses...
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I tried on dozens today... and I LOVED every single one.
This was one of the best experiences of my life. The dresses were gorgeous and I felt like a movie star. I've narrowed down the search to 3, and they are nothing like I had imagined. I felt like a movie star, even though I'm pretty sure I have the flu.
I wish I could wear a wedding dress everyday.
Monday, October 11, 2010
I've had this pattern in my stash for ages... It was handed down to me, along with half a dozen 1950's knitting patterns, by my aunt. The knitting patterns are lost in a box somewhere (I hate moving!), but I dug out this pattern and altered it into a blouse.
I cut the pattern out of black chiffon and black lace. I've never sewn with a pattern this old before... I was pretty impressed with how complicated the pattern was. Lost of fun corners and curves, it was nice to sew something that was kind of challenging!
I'm not sure that this is something I'll eve really wear... though I do think I might wear it out sometime with a pencil skirt or something, tucked in. I find I never dress up anymore.
While I was at my parents for Thanksgiving yesterday I found an old costume I had made for a display at a store I
worked at in College. I was actually pretty impressed with myself (and more impressed that wit
h a little sucking in, I could still fit into it!). So, I have solved the dilemma of "what to wear for Halloween" though Dan is still without a costume.
We had a nice, quiet Thanksgiving with my parents this year... lots of good food, and we all ate too much, especially Dan, which always impresses my dad. I think he's just a little jealous he can't eat like that anymore!
Today we are finishing off our long weekend just kicking around the house, walking the dog, enjoying our nice warm apartment. Tomorrow, I am going browsing for wedding dresses. I am scared and excited and prepared for an exhausting day!
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Set a date for the Wedding. September 10, 2011, a day after my mom's birthday, and the day my Aunt got married 51 years ago. I booked the legion and sent out my request to use the Park at the beach!
I am going to make gluten free tortellini with spinach and riccotta filling! We will see how that goes, I have never made pasta let alone gluten free pasta. I am scared, but I'll give it a shot.
I found 6 yards of checkered wool at Goodwill for super-cheap and am going to make a jacket or bolero or something... after I finish some of the things I have already cut out...
So, it has been a successful morning! And it's just noon!
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