Best Gift Ever: Organization for my Sewing Stuff!
Sunday, December 26, 2010
More Christmas Crafting...
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
I realized last night I had not gotten anything for Oliver. So, I made him this collar, complete with bow tie. He will hate it, but I am going to absolutely melt when I see it on him! Have I mentioned I have THE cutest dog in the world?
Oh Joyous Christmas!
I did walk right past the Salvation Army guy, ringing the bell in the grocery styre.... twice. Maybe that's what pushed me over into the Naughty List.
Anyways, that is a total bummer. Rogers won't replace my phone, I am not eligible for an upgrade, I may have to pay for the repair, and I can't take advantage of any of the existing deals (like $0 for a Blackberry whatever with a 3 year contract) because I am already an existing customer (BASTARDS!). I could cancel my account entirely and go somewhere else but that would cost me $250! I guess Rogers knows that I am just made of money. Which is why we drive a 13 year old car with rust and now a cracked windsheild...
Sigh... At least we have a car. And for that, I am greatful. I am greatful for a lot of things, but every once and a while I can't help but shake my fists in the air and scream, "Why!? Why can't it be EASIER?!" Is it just me, or does anyone else get a twinge of jealousy (and then immediatly feel foolish and guilty for it) when they see their friends on Facebook, or in life going on vacations, and buying new gadgets, and Iphones, and cars, or expensive clothes... and you're just making it by (Albeit contributing to savings of RRSPs?). Because I do, I get that horrible jealousy, them immediatly feel foolish, but it's there.
It could always be worse. I could be in Haiti, or in flood ravaged Pakistan, or living on the streets, or jobless, or worst of all, family-less. So I've got a broken windsheild, an old car, debt I'll be paying off for the rest of my life for my silly education, a broken phone, a messy apartment, a job that is driving me clinically insane... I have a Dan, a Mom, a Dad, and bless him, a Brother (silly as he may be). And to top it off, I have the best damn dog in the whole wide world (even though he slept on my back the entire night, all 35lbs of him).
Today, I am sending away two orders from last week and filling an order from this week. Here's a great thing! Ohhh Lulu seems to be starting to get fairly consistant orders... This is my dream.
Sad at the state of equality in my workplce...
Friday, December 17, 2010
Today there were lovely half naked lady magnets everywhere provided to the guys from one of our suppliers. I'm already struggling with this job, I don't think I should have to be subjected to sexually offensive materials while I'm here as well. I don't think I'm asking too much.
I am at work right now and I am so frustrated and angry that I just want to walk out and cry.. Cry, or punch someone. I've had lots of hard jobs in my life, but never one that left me feeling so... worthless as a human being. Not only do I have to deal with customers thinking I'm a complete idiot because I have boobs, but I get to look at half naked Pamela Anderson's all over the place. All the power to all the Pamela Anderson's out there, but not so professional in the workplace in my humble opinion...
I feel like when I voice my opinion, the overwhelming response is that I'm over reacting and shouldn't be so sensitive. But, I really feel that making this behavour is not okay, it's not professional in the workplace, and it is offensive to me, any other woman who enters this shop, and to the men here as well, not to expect a certain amout of workplace professionalism. Actually, maybe it is the most offensive to men, as it strengthens the stereotype that men only think with their penis and are only intersted in busty blonde airheads in thongs, splashing around on the beach.
I'm frustrated, I'm frustrated and angry. I remember thinking, while I was working on my degree, that things couldn't be nearly as bad as people were makign things out to be. Well, I am learning as I make my way through the world, that they are, things suck and I wish I could grow a penis and speak with a deeper voice because I think my opinons and thoughts would be better received.
I don't bring my lingerie to work and I don't want to see "Matco model of the year's" lingerie while I'm at work either. I think that's fair enough,.
End Rant.... But I'm still pissed off.
A Ruffle Obsession...
Thursday, December 16, 2010
Our Staff Christmas Party is this Saturday. I'm excited to not have to wear my hideous, oversized uniform shirt!
Christmas Crafting...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Tomorrow will be an Ohhh Lulu sewing day... today, I am winding down making dinner for when Dan gets home, Chicken breasts, turnip and carrots! Yummy.
DIY Christmas Tags with Picnik!
Monday, December 13, 2010
I left work a little early (a little being 5 hours) today because things were so slow... Tonight I will try to finish some Christmas knitting and some flower broaches. I spent most of the day in wedding day dream land... I keep re-thinking my colour schemes but am finding some really fun things on Etsy!
Too sick to sew...
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Now I am going to snuggle with my Pugalug, Oliver on the couch and feel sorry for myself while posting stuff on my Etsy.
New Years Dress?
But, I made a dress that is suitable for new years. It's Butterick 6582, one of my favourite vintage re-print patterns.
I am so in love with this fabric. It was in the Clearance room at Fabricland, only $4 a meter. It is a nice weight linen an the most sumptuous colours that are not done justice here. I bought 3 meters of it and am trying to decide what to do with the rest!
I've sewn this dress three times; once with the full skirt, once as a blouse and now the fitted version. No matter how many times I sew an attached neck and arm hole facing, I end up cursing. I find it kind of funny, I mean, I went to school for this! These things should be a breeze... but I still find myself dreading arm hole facings and fly zippers.
Along the way I seem to have lost half of the pieces for this dress so I ended up redrafting some facing pieces... which is easy to do if this ever happens to anyone else, you basically trace the piece you are facing and deduct 1/8" to make it slightly smaller so that it pulls towards the inside.
I woke up sick today and am very sad about this... headache, upset stomach, runny nose. Oh Joy!
New Set...
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
I sewed this set, a lace and velvet thong, and have started a romper and dress which will be finished tomorrow and Etsy-ing will commence soon after. I am having serious iron issues which has been slowing down my process; it keeps spitting rusty, gross water on everything! I have wiped the plate down, cleaned it with vinegar and water... I think it may be time for a new iron...
A Very Long and Boring Day...
Thursday, December 2, 2010
I am sending off my last few orders today. I found I've been making a lot of stupid (fixable) mistakes, like sewing things on backwards, sewing the bottom of a garment into a top seam (real dumb), and other things like that. I wonder if other sewists make the same, silly mistakes.
Often my mistakes come from me trying to cut corners by not pinning, or rushing, or by trying to play tug of war with Oliver while I sew. I also melt things with my Iron... that is the worst.
Anyway, long story short, I made good use of my seam ripper, and everything turned out fantastically.
I am hoping to get some Christmas Sewing done next week for my mom and myself, and to get my Christmas tree up next weekend! I am so excited about this Christmas. This is Dan and my first Christmas living together. I can't wait to spend Christmas Eve sipping Egg Nog and watching Christmas Movies together. So In Love!
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