Two weeks have already passed! It seems like Izzy has been here forever, and at the same time like I just had her yesterday. I see what they mean when they say "it goes by so fast..."
Dan went back to work this week so Izzy, Oliver and I are settling into a routine (or at least we are trying). Last week and into early this week was a little tumultuous. Izzy and I were not compatible breast feeders and as a result, she wasn't gaining weight and was getting hungry and cranky... after hours and hours and hours each day of trying and struggling (she could not stay awake to breastfeed, and we tried
everything), we decided along with the very amazing and supportive nurse at the breast feeding clinic, that we would pump and bottle feed Izzy. I was upset at first, but I have to admit that it is really working well for us. We have a happier baby and a happier me. Dan enjoys getting the chance to spend extra time bonding and feeding her, and it gives me more flexibility. The thing that really sold me on bottle feeding this baby was the way she lit up when she finally had a full stomach! So now I've got to get into the routine of pumping, preparing the occasional bottle of formula and washing endless bottles... I never expected to bottle feed this early so I also had to learn how to prepare bottles, and how to feed her from a bottle! I was surprised at how much guilt I felt at not being able to figure out the breastfeeding thing. I was really grateful at how supportive both my doctor and the nurse at the breastfeeding clinic were. As I learned with my birth experience, baby calls the shots... so you might as well throw your plans out the window. Do what works best for you and your babe.
One week |
I've noticed a huge difference in her over the last few days. She sometimes practices a variety of facial expressions (which may or may not be fart related). She loves to just focus on your face and stare. She is alert and curious and likes to go on walks with me and Oliver, wrapped up in one of her carriers. Now that we have a feeding system all set up, she is a pretty easy baby (knock on wood). While my opinion
may be biased, I think she's also one of the prettiest babies I've ever seen!
Two Weeks! |
I've been so lucky to have so much support throughout the last few weeks, from friends & family near and far. On Monday, I checked the mail and found a surprise package from my friend
Kathleen. She painted the beautiful piece for us below. I absolutely love it, and can't wait to frame it up and hang it in the nursery!
Kathleen wrote about her process for this piece on her blog.
I'm really hoping to get a little bit of studio time this week, but we'll see how it goes...