What is it about January that is so beautiful, but also horribly... depressing...? Maybe it's that the excitement of Christmas and New Years is over, maybe it's the bleak, cold weather, maybe it's the lack of sunlight... Whatever it is, January and February always do this to me.
Not that anything is bad; everything is great, at a steady pace. Business is very busy, Dan's work is going well, the dog and cat are happy as can be, I have lots of plans and things in the works for Ohhh Lulu and am pulling long days sewing... However, I feel like my personal life has come to a stand still. I feel like I need to plan something, like a vacation or something... Something for myself to look forward to that doesn't involve working!
I also have this thing where if things in my life aren't constantly changing, I get a little bored, and when I get bored, I get depressed. This is both a great driving force in my life and a huge character flaw - I think it makes me a great entrepreneur, and it definitely keeps me busy, but it also makes me incredibly fickle and I get bored doing the same thing for too long... I need constant change! I think I am at the point in my life where I'm married, got the house... and now what? I'm bored!
The thing is, I can't think of any one thing that I want to do... I don't really have the urge to travel, other than our summer road trips. In addition to that, Dan and I do not have the budgets to travel... And, as we've discussed before, I don't have much of a desire to have children, and even I know boredom is not the reason to have kids! So, what else do people do with their lives?
I think, more than finding something new to do, I need to learn how to deal with the fact that sometimes life stands a little still, and that is ok. These are the moments that most people would relish...
I took these pictures down at Couchiching Beach Park. We've been going for evening strolls with the dog. It is so lonely and desolate in the winter. The water has finally frozen and you can't tell where the land ends and lake begins. Part of me loves it; serene, quiet, lonely. Part of me just wants to see kids on the swing sets, and people and dogs playing frisbee. That will come soon enough and I'll miss the days when the park was empty...
I have to admit, I really do love winter. It is sad and beautiful. Pure and Crisp. Albeit, a little boring...