Craziness Begins...

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

So, up until this point in the wedding planning, I have been pretty relaxed. I'm starting to feel a little nervous... a little anxious... and a little overwhelmed. I'm sure it's completely normal.

I am heading to Toronto on Saturday for some sort of "Surprise" weekend. I have no idea what it could be, but I'm looking forward to spending time with my favorite ladies... Dan apparently also has something planned, and I hope he makes it back in one piece. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't slightly concerned.

It's hard to believe it's been almost a year already! So much has been packed into the last 12 months...

We got engaged on September the 8th. My Grandma passed and I nearly lost my dad. Dan lost his job, got a new one (so did I), and Ohhh Lulu went crazy with a Heartsy Deal! We bought and lost a house in a matter of days... and lets not forget all of the crafts!


  1. What an intense year you've had already. Sounds like a roller coaster of emotions. Once all you're wedding stuff is said and done and you're back from the honeymoon you'll probably find that you'll be back to normal routine in no time, just with an added person. :)

  2. You've had one hell of a year and it's about to reach it's peak soon. Your wedding is going to be lovely by the sounds of it, you have nothing to worry about! Just make sure you take lots of photos to share with us!

    When you're less busy, you'll have more time for Ohhh Lulu of course ;o)

    Oh and I love you subtle new blog look too!

  3. That's enough for anyone to cope with - I hope life becomes a bit less exciting for you after the wedding - you'll need the time to recuperate!
    The next couple of weeks will probably be very stressful, but if I can offer once piece of advice, it's that on the day you have to let go, stand back and enjoy yourself. You'll (hopefully) only have one wedding and it goes so quickly after so much preparation. Be a diva, take some pictures and enjoy it!
    I hope it all goes perfectly for you!


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