FREE Ad Space!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

I'm doing it again, The first five people to comment will receive a month of free ad space (200 wide x 125 high) on the right hand sidebar of my blog. All I ask from you is that you follow my blog, and give me a quick mention on your blog or facebook page, to help spread the handmade love. I'm excited to help promote your fashion/handmade/lifestyle blog or Etsy Shop! Edit: Please leave your email address in the comment!

I also wanted to let my readers know that I have recently added more pages to my blog, including a Press page where I am liking any articles, interviews, or features on Ohhh Lulu, a Reviews page for customer reviews, and a Blog Page, where (when I have time) I will be adding some of my favorite blogs. If you have mentioned Ohhh Lulu in a post, I'll be happy to add your link; or if you have really great blog, send me your banner!


  1. Oh yes please! What a great offer!

  2. Email address by the way :)

  3. Yay! I got here in time this time! I would love some space and would be happy to return the favor.

  4. Would love the free ad space:

  5. me too!!! :) xx

  6. We'd love an ad! And we would definitely do something cute about your lingerie on our facebook page.

  7. Thanks everyone! This month's Free Ad Space is closed! I will be contacting you all by email :)


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