Almost done!

Saturday, February 16, 2013

My corset is almost done! I hammered the grommets this afternoon and finally was able to give it a try.  It is actually a very comfortable corset!  I need to get some proper lacing, and lace it properly so that it ties at the waist, but for now, the ribbon will do!  I really like the curve it gives to the back and sides of the waist.

Back View

I am still waiting for my garter clips to arrive (thanks to UPS, they won't be here until next Wednesday! Oh the agony!).  It will have two straps at the center front and two at the side. 

Curvy Waist!
 I cut and sewed a seafoam satin version last weekend.  I need to finish stitching the bone casings, cut and tip all of the bones, bind the edges and finish the bias binding.  It looks really pretty in satin, less sweet & more sophisticated.

Close Up!


  1. This is so beautiful. Details are perfect.

  2. I just love the fabric you chose!

  3. Wow. I've never been a corset person, but I may become one now!

  4. I'm similar to Windie. I like the looks of some but, most corsets appear very uncomfortable to wear. Yours looks comfortable, and pretty. Great work!


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