Busy, busy, unproductive week...

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

This has been a busy yet unproductive week.

My Grandma seems to have taken a turn for the worse, though she always seems to pull through these things. My Days off are all different... I am going to a Wine and Cheese tomorrow night to meet and greet with local business women. Should be good, but I will be exhauseted by the end of it. I am already tired. I am in the process of cooking tonights and tomorrows dinner.

Sunday is my "nephew's" (for lack of a better term!) second birthday - really he is my cousin's second son but I think of him like a newphew. In typical Sarah-style, I have not yet picked out a gift yet... What do you buy a one year old anyway?

Next weekend is my Fiancee's side of the family Christmas Celebration... which I suppose we also need to find time to buy or make gifts for.

Every year I hope for a handmade Christmas, and every year I leave it way too late.

I've had a few bites from Ohhh Lulu on Etsy ... I really want to re-photograph a lot of it but the weather here has been so dreary (and not a bit of snow!), and not at all suitable for photographing.

I hope my business cards from Moo.com get here before the end of the day tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Best wishes for your Grandma....Love your stuff by the way.
    Miss P


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