On pins and needles...

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Well, if all goes well today, it looks like we will be moving at the end of the month!

My Etsy shop will close on December 22 and re-open mid-January (just in time for Valentines Day) after we get set up in the new place.

We hit a major roadblock in the house buying process on Tuesday, but I managed to find a way around it. We have everything in order, we are just waiting for the sellers to sign back the Waiver of Conditions and it's done!

I am in awe of the space we are going to have in this house; the idea of having a place to store all of our stuff - Christmas trees, tools, sewing machines, an extra bedroom for guests, my own bathtub, is a dream come true. 1100 square feet feels like a mansion after sharing a small, one-bedroom apartment with a 6'3" giant, an over-grown pug, and a humongous sewing habit.


  1. Yay!!! Congratulations!! I can't wait to see pics :)

  2. Could not be more happy for you! It sounds amazing!

  3. yay to new houses!!! Have fun and enjoy it :)


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