Happy Easter

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Did everyone have a nice Easter weekend? I did.  We spent Friday with Dan's family, Saturday I sewed and finished my Pattern, and today we headed out to my Aunts house where all the kids had an Easter Egg Hunt and the Dogs got fat on ham.  It was a lot of fun.  I love being around all the kids, they are all so cute, but it is nice to come home to a quiet, non-sticky house!

 As I was saying, I finished up my first pattern, and posted it for sale Here and on Etsy.  I also started 2 bra's and a bikini-style knicker pattern. I'm going to be finishing off the Ooh La La Pin Up Sew Along with my Betty High Waisted Panties Pattern, if you want to sew a long.

Aside from digitizing, I sewed 5 pairs of knickers, and 1 bra and am hoping to have lots of new items in my shop soon.  I've been so busy with the house, family, work... Poor Ohhh Lulu has really taken a hit.


  1. Aaah, I'm loving all your new designs and I can't wait to try out your patterns! How exciting!!!

  2. Wow these look amazing, so well done! Looking forward to seeing your new patterns! XxxX http://thesecondhandrose.blogspot.co.uk/

  3. Gorgeous! I'm really excited for your new patterns!


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